A Muslim family in Uttar Pradesh has named their newborn son Narendra Damodardas Modi. The child was born at UP’s Gonda district on May 23, the day Prime Minister Narendra Modi along with his party (BJP) returned to power with a massive majority.
My wife Mehnaaz Begum wanted to name our son after the Prime Minister but her family members opposed the decision, said Mushtaq Ahmad the father of the newborn child.
“Despite oppose of her family members I supported my wife and the baby was named after Modi,” he added.
Later the family agreed to the name because of their high regard for the Prime Minister, said Idris grandfather of the newly born.
‘Modi waves’ gives a sweeping victory to the BJP in the general election 2019. As per Election Commission, the BJP won 303 seats out of 542, witnessing a landslide win. The Congress party was contained at 52 seats.