New COVID-19 positive case reported in Bokaro

Bokaro: A new positive case of Coronavirus infection has been reported in Telo village under Chandrapura block in Bokaro district on Thursday late night. So far six cases have been found positive in the district, one of which has died on Wednesday night, said an official.

A 33-year youth, resident of Telo village has tested positive for coronavirus last night, informed A K Pathak Civil Surgeon Bokaro. “The youth has come in contact with the woman who tested positive for COVID-19 on 5 April at Telo village. The woman along with other five recently returned after participating in the Jamaat congregation (a religious gathering at the Markaz) at Nizamuddin,” he added.

Among the four who have tested positive of COVID-19 on Wednesday night three are the family members of the woman of Telo village. “Two are the woman’s granddaughters and one is her brother-in-law,” informed Pathak.

While the fourth one, a 72 years man died due to COVID-19 infection. He was a resident of Sadam village under Gomia block of Bokaro district, he said.

Both of the villages at Sadam and Telo have been completely sealed and the entry of outsiders is banned; the villages are being completely sanitized, said Pathak.

We have sent our team to collect samples of the villagers too. At least 21 persons form Telo village has also been sent to quarantine center at Chas, he said.

Meanwhile, all five patients are being treated in the isolation ward at Bokaro General Hospital (BGH) where the conditions of patients are still under control, said Civil Surgeon.

Today new 16 persons have been screened. Over 5347 people rushed from outside of the district are kept in-home quarantine. Though the administration identified over 300 people who rushed here from other different districts and were found hiding in their homes; all of them were sent to quarantine center, informed Patakh.

To curtail the unhealthy practice that may potentially spread the novel strain of coronavirus, the Deputy Commissioner Bokaro Mukesh Kumar declared all government, non-government offices and premises including educational institutions across the district as tobacco-free zones.

In the interest of public health and safety, spitting of paan, any chewable tobacco or non-tobacco products and sputum at public places and institutions has been banned with immediate effect, said Mukesh Kumar DC Bokaro.

The habit of public spitting poses a serious threat to the spread of such infections. So the use of Gutkha, pan masala, zarda has been banned inside all government, non-government, all educational institutions and police station premises have been banned, said DC.

“Any person found spitting in open public places shall on conviction be punishable with six months imprisonment,” added Kumar

It has been appealed to the common people not to use tobacco and to cooperate in creating a clean, civilized society, said Kumar.

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