Following the Andhra Police, the district police Bokaro is all set to launch Locked House Monitoring System (LHMS) in the township area in a bid to curb the rising incidents of theft. The LHMS is a special app (application) developed by the Andhra Pradesh Police, which enables house owners or residents to avail themselves of the free services of the CCTV surveillance of their houses when they are away, sources said.
“A four member’s team has been constituted for all needful preparations, app would be launched shortly”, official sources said. The service would be available for Android mobile phone users whose requests made in the app would make the police install a temporary WiFi modem and a wireless motion recording camera unit, he said.
The home owners would have to download the LHMS app from the Google Play Store on their Android phones. Once they give their details of name and residential address, they would be given a unique ID indicating their successful registration, said an expert. If any home owner is going out of town, he should have to place a request in the app and indicate the period of his or her absence, he said.
The police would visit their house and install the WiFi modem and other camera equipment. This unit is linked to the owner’s phone and also to the Police Control Room. “If there is any movement in front of the house, the camera will record pictures and videos and send the same to the control room and the owner’s phone”, he added.