Bird Flu hits Ranchi

Ranchi, the capital of Jharkhand, is grappling with a bird flu outbreak, confirmed by authorities. In response, a Rapid Response Team (RRT) has been constituted as part of the action plan to contain the spread of the virus.

The team will strictly adhere to the action plan, which includes a survey of poultry production within a one-kilometer radius of the outbreak epicenter. Additionally, the purchase, sale, and transportation of poultry and poultry products, including eggs, are banned within this radius.

The outbreak was confirmed in poultry samples collected from a local farm in Hotwar, Ranchi. These samples were tested at ICAR’s National Institute of High Security Animal Diseases in Bhopal.

In light of the confirmation, the district administration swiftly organized the RRT, as directed by Ranchi Deputy Commissioner Rahul Kumar Sinha.

The team comprises veterinary officials and other personnel who will work in coordination with the District Animal Husbandry Officer and Assistant Director (Poultry, Regional Poultry Farm, Hotwari, Ranchi).

The action plan mandates the culling of remaining birds at the affected poultry farm, followed by their scientific disposal and thorough cleaning and disinfection of the area.

As part of the response plan, surveys of poultry farms within a one-kilometer radius of the outbreak epicenter will be conducted to facilitate prompt decisions on culling. Additionally, extensive monitoring of avian influenza will be carried out in this area by creating a surveillance zone within a 10-kilometer radius of the epicenter.

To prevent further spread, the Deputy Commissioner has prohibited the purchase, sale, and transportation of live or dead chickens, poultry products, and eggs within a one-kilometer radius of the affected poultry area until further notice.

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