Bokaro: With an objective to enrich the close relationship between ‘Books’ and ‘Students’, the two-day book fair Avalokan concluded today. The Chief Guest, Ranjeet Kumar, Additional District Judge inaugurated the event.
While inaugurating the book fair Ranjeet appreciated the efforts of DPS, Bokaro for organizing such an event and expressed that this fair will benefit the students and the parents as well. Stressing on the need of inculcating good reading habits, he suggested that books not only provide knowledge but they also help in the overall personality development.
The fair was organised in association with Bookfind which was open for the students and their parents. The fair has a wide array of books by popular and renowned writers like Enid Blyton, J. K. Rowling, Dan Brown, Ruskin Bond, R K Narayan, Sudha Murthy, Dr. A P J Kalam, Napolean Hill and many more.
The principal of DPS Bokaro, A. S. Gangwar stressed on the need to inculcate good reading habits amongst the students. “Reading is one effective skill that can bring about the growth of ideas, thoughts and imagination. It is reading which ultimately helps develop other additional skills like writing and speaking” advocated Gangwar.
During the event Vice-Principal(s), Pravin Kumar Sharma, Dr.Manisha Tiwari, P. Shailaja Jayakumar, Headmaster Anjani Bhusan, Headmistresses Manisha Sharma, Shalini Sharma and Sunita Bhardwaj along with teachers and students were also present.