Commissioner asks officials to free River, Ponds from Encroachments in 30 Days

img-20180704-wa0011Divisional Commissioner of North Choptanagpur Vandana Dadel asked the district administrative officials to make all the rivers and ponds encroachments free within next 30 days.

During a review meeting at Circuit House Bokaro she asked the officials to produce the legal actions taken be the district administration against the encroachments.

Dadel asked the COs of the district to conduct special drive against encroachments and take strict action. “Anyhow encroachments on all river lands and water bodies should be free within a month applying the legal processes,” she added.

Giving the updates Chas SDO Satish Chandra said, we are no move, we have conducted drive and Mahato Bandh is encroachment free now. “Soon Garga River will be free form encroachments,” he added. Presently 25 peoples were identified with encroachments on river land (Garga), notice has been issued, and soon all structures would be razed out, said SDO.

Meanwhile, 40 houses of Bari-Cooperative were identified, constructed on the encroached Garga River land would be razed shortly. “Measurements of the encroached land have been done,” said CO Chas.

Encroachment of forest lands would not be tolerated, said Dadel. She asked Chas CO to take immediate action against it.

District forest a department alleges that Diamond City and Aryabhhat Co-operative have encroached the forest land.

“Investigations are on, if encroachments found structures would be razed,” said Vandana Shejwalkar CO Chas.

Beside others, DDC RR Mishra and AC Jugnu Minz were present during the review meeting.

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