JNS I Mumbai: Online Reading platform GetLitt! is set to organize the 4th Edition of GetLitt! Reading Olympiad in February 2022, and registrations are now open until 15 January 2022. The GetLitt! Winter Reading Olympiad is an exclusive online event for children from grades 2-8. Students from each grade are given a prescribed reading list based on which multiple choice questions will be asked.
Reading is a critical skill for all children, and in recent times, online reading apps like GetLitt! is aiming to plug a critical gap in the development of literary and creative abilities of young children; the app has an extensive online library of more than 800 children’s books which have been beautifully illustrated and written by award-winning and critically acclaimed authors from across the world. GetLitt! helps children gain exposure to global programs such as Reading Olympiad, Museum Hunt, and hone their writing and reading skills through the most exhaustive language arts curriculum created by expert academicians and authors.
Speaking about this, Richa Sethi, Founder / CEO, GetLitt! said, “Language is at the heart of learning. Covid time has led to a huge vocabulary & comprehension gap amongst children that directly impacts their language learning. This is where the GetLitt! platform aims to provide an easy, interactive, and engaging space to school kids, to learn new concepts and develop a better world vision alongside honing their reading skills. Our aim is to ensure that the young children are able to utilise their digital time constructively and add value to their personal growth as well as to their language skills.”
The Reading Olympiad covers a diverse range of stories such as the story about Pandit
Nehru sending elephants as gifts to kids in different countries, story on Nobel prize winning Indian scientist Srinivas Ramanujan, story on Tibet and even the original communities that inhabit Mumbai. There is a story about sustainability as demonstrated by Bapu. There are also some popular contemporary stories and fairy tales with gender role reversals.
Each of the books prescribed for the Winter Reading Olympiad will have a set of questions on based on reading comprehension, vocabulary, Book dares (book trivia) as well as Achiever’s questions. Different grades are given a specific time to complete the exam. The top-ranking participants from each grade will win awards and recognition in the form of cash, Certificate and a Medal of Reading Brilliance.
Adding further, Richa Sethi, said, “Through the Winter Reading Olympiad, our aim is to inculcate a sense of accomplishment and purpose among young kids related to reading. The Olympiad will also help children to discover contemporary topics and expand their world view. This is the 4 th edition of this highly successful initiative, and we expect greater participation from across all grades.”
Enrolment for this mega online event is open until 16 January 2022; the exams will be held in February 2022.