India threatens Pakistan of consequences for death sentence of Jadhav

kulbhushan-jadavIndian minister of external affairs Sushma Swaraj has cautioned Pakistan of “consequences” if it proceeds with the death sentence of Indian RAW agent Kulbhushan Jadhav.

Swaraj, speaking in the parliament on Jadhav’s death sentence, said India would go to any extent to “save” Jadhav, who she termed a “son of India”. “I would caution the Pakistan government to consider the consequences for our bilateral relationship if they proceed on this matter,” she said.

On Monday, Pakistan sentenced Kulbhushan Jadhav to death for carrying out espionage and sabotage activities in Balochistan and Karachi. Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa confirmed the death sentence awarded by the Field General Court Martial under the Pakistan Army Act.

Condemning Pakistan’s military court for sentencing Jadhav to death despite a parliamentary government in place, Supreme Court lawyer Bhim Singh said that he will move a petition before the top court of the neighbouring country against the capital punishment. “The judiciary in Pakistan, especially the Supreme Court of Pakistan, is highly judicious and justice shall be done to Jadhav”, said Singh while addressing to the media persons.

Singh is also Party Party leader and his party is providing free legal aid to 54 Indian prisoners in Pakistan. “If needed, I shall take the matter (Jadhav’s case) to the International Court of Justice at the Hague,” he said.


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