JNS: Jharkhand is set to receive another Vande Bharat Express, bringing good news for its residents. The third Vande Bharat train will commence its journey from Ranchi on March 12, running between Ranchi and Varanasi. Railway officer Nishant Kumar confirmed this development to the media, stating that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the train via video conferencing.
Ranchi Railway Division’s DRM Jasmit Singh Bindra said that this train will reach Varanasi via Ranchi-Lohardaga-Tori and Daltonganj, Garhwa Road and Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Station.
The train fare will be Rs 1390 to Rs 2600. It will depart from Varanasi at 5.50 am and reach Ranchi at 12.10 pm. At the same time, this train will leave from Ranchi at 1.30 pm and will reach Varanasi at 7.50 pm. The train will cover the distance of 481 km in six hours 20 minutes.
This new Vande Bharat Express will be the third to operate from Ranchi, with the first running between Ranchi and Patna (via Muri-Barka Kana-Hazaribagh Road-Koderma-Gaya), and the second between Ranchi and Howrah (via Muri-Kotshila-Purulia-Chandil-Tatanagar-Kharagpur).