“Modi Clarifies ‘People with More Children’ Remark, Says Referred to Poor Families, Not Hindus or Muslims”

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has clarified his recent controversial remarks, asserting that he did not specify Hindus or Muslims but rather referred to poor families regarding his comments on people with more children.

In an interview with News 18, Modi expressed concern over how his remarks were linked solely to Muslims, stating, “I am worried how the remark about people with more children is linked to only Muslims! Why do they treat Muslims this way? It is the situation of poor families in our country.”

He emphasized the need for families to have children whom they can adequately care for, highlighting that his government’s schemes aim for the welfare of all, without discrimination based on religion.

Regarding his appeal for votes from the Muslim population, Modi affirmed his belief that people across the country would vote for him based on his inclusive governance approach. He reiterated his commitment to never engage in politics based on religion, emphasizing his focus on social justice and true secularism.

Modi also reminisced about his upbringing alongside Muslim neighbors who shared food during Eid, underscoring his respect for their religious practices.

The Prime Minister’s remarks come in response to criticism following his speech where he criticized the Congress party, alleging their manifesto favored those with more children and infiltrators. He referred to a 2006 speech by former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, suggesting that the Congress favored minorities, particularly Muslims, in resource allocation.

Modi’s statements have sparked debate and controversy, with critics questioning the intent and implications of his comments in the context of religious and social welfare policies.

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