Mother kills herself after her lonely son starts living with wife separately

JNS: In a stunning incident a mother committed suicide because the son and daughter-in-law have been discarded her and started living separately from the mother. The incident occurred last night at Kumhari village under Chas Muffasil Police Station around 120 kms from the state headquarter of Jharkhand, police said.

According to the police, Manju Bala Devi (45) committed suicide by hangs herself from the ceiling of the roof at her house. After the postmortem body was handed over to the family members, said OC.

She was shocked as her only son discarded her and started living separately with his wife after a hot argument between my wife and my daughter-in-law, said Manga Ram Dutta, husband of the deceased.

“On 7 November, both (Manju Bala Devi and my daughter-in-law) had a hot argument on some domestic issues. Later, my only son along with his wife leaves the house and started living in another house in the village,” added Dutta.

The incident shaken my wife a lot, she went inside the room and bolt the door from inside, said Dutta adding, “I thought she went in her room to take a nap.”

“A few hours later when she did not come out; I knocked on the door but she did not open. Later with the help of neighbours, we broke the door, found my wife was hanging from the ceiling,” he added.

She immediately rushed to the hospital where doctors declared her brought dead.


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