Railways moot to offer train coaches to be used as isolation wards

GNS: Interestingly megastar Amitabh Bachchan has come out with the suggestion that Railway wagons could be used as isolation wards and the Railways are contemplating offering its coaches and cabins as isolation wards for patients found positive for.

Indian Railways run 13,523 trains daily but they have suspended all passenger services till April 14. Proposal to offer empty coaches and cabins to be used as ICU’s for such patients were discussed in a meeting of Railway Minister with Chairman, Railway Board VK Yadav and other officials like GMs of every zones and Divisional Railway Managers.

It was also discussed in the video conference meeting that how railways’ production units could be used to manufacture essential commodities for fighting the contagion like ventilators, beds, trolleys along with the proposal of using these coaches which are equipped with toilets as isolation wards.

Sources say the idea was mooted after Prime Minister Narendra Modi told his cabinet colleagues to look for innovative ways to boost its medical facilities in view of the virus spreading rapidly.

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