JNS I Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin honoured Bomman and Belli, the keepers of the young calf Raghu, featured in the Oscar-winning documentary “The Elephant Whisperers” on Wednesday at the Mudumalai Elephant camp in Chennai. CM gave them a shield and Rs.1 lakh at the State Secretariat.
This documentary spotlighted Tamil Nadu’s elephant care management. Around 91 elephant carers work in Mudumalai’s Theppakkad Elephant Camp and Anaimalai’s Kozhikamuthi Elephant Camp.
“To honour this occasion, the Chief Minister announced a grant of Rs.1.00 lakh each to all 91 Mahouts and Cavadis from the Chief Minister’s Public Relief Fund,” an official release said.
The Chief Minister offered Rs 9.10 crore to create eco-friendly and culturally suitable residences for all 91 elephant carers.
The State Government authorised Rs.5 crores for Kozhikamuthi Elephant Camp renovations in Anaimalai Tiger Reserve. In addition, Rs.8-crore elephant camp in Sadivyal, Coimbatore District, with elephant maintenance facilities, was also announced.