Stiffer penalty for PMAY defaulters

dc-bokaro# District Administration on move to recover with 12 % compound interest

Now the defaulters of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana’s (PMAY) will have to face a hard time. The district administration Bokaro executed an order to impose a stiff penalty against such defaulters.
The PMAY beneficiaries who have not yet constructed their house despite withdrawing money under this scheme would be penalised. Recovery has been made with 12 percent compound interest on the withdrawn amount form such defaulters, said MK Baranawal Deputy Commissioner Bokaro.

The beneficiaries for the financial year 2016-17 and 2017-18 will get the first installment by DBT in the bank account within next seven days, said DC adding, “I have directed the official to keep an eye on their construction works”. Recently Chas Municipal Corporation (CMC) served notices to 20 PMAY defaulters as they have not yet constructed their house despite withdrawing money under this scheme.

The persons who were served the notice and asked to refund the money are Dashrath Gope, Madhu Bibi, Ajay Singh, Purnima Devi, Suraj Bauri, Kari Devi, Arun Bauri, Manoj Bauri, Suleman Ansari and Immamuddin Ansari, Nashima Khatoon, Puran Bauri, Kisan Bauri, Ramesh Bauri, Umesh Bauri, Prakash Kumar, Usha Srivastwa, Krishna Gope, Chandra Mohan Gope and Santosh Gope, informed an official.

“We have asked those beneficiaries to refund the money as earliest”, said AK Mishra, Project Engineer cum Nodal Officer of CMC. “Legal action would be taken against those who did not refund the money”, he added. Under this housing scheme, the state government has targeted about 8,240 houses to be constructed in Bokaro district in the year 2017-18. The main objective of this project is to make affordable housing units and to make it easily available to the poor families, said the official.

“In the year 2016-17 the government targeted to construct 10,293 houses in the district but it could not be accomplished, only 100 units were completed amidst installments (money) was allotted to the PMAY beneficiaries”, he added.

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