UK launches 3rd Booster Dose trial of 7 Corona vaccines

# The trial— Cov-Boost— will assess Covid-19 vaccines of Oxford-AstraZeneca, Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Novavax, Valneva, Janssen and Curevac.

JNS: The UK has launched a new clinical trial to assess the effect of a third ‘booster’ dose of seven different Covid-19 vaccines on patients’ immune responses.

The trial— Cov-Boost— will assess Covid-19 vaccines of Oxford-AstraZeneca, Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Novavax, Valneva, Janssen and Curevac. It scheduled to begin in June and recruit around 3,000 people of aged 30 years and above who had their first dose in December or January, to test if this is worthwhile.

According to the reports, this trial is led by University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust with 19.3m pound and is being funded by the UK Government. The trial will be conducted at 16 sites in England including University Hospital Southampton, University Hospitals Dorset, and the Portsmouth Research Hub.

The trial is said to be the first in the world to gather data on the third dose’s effect on immune responses. Researchers aim to gain insights into the effectiveness of a booster vaccine dose in protecting against the Covid-19 virus.

A third booster vaccine dose will be administered after a minimum of 10 to 12 weeks from a second dose. The booster given to a participant may be different from their original vaccination brand, the reports reveal.

All subjects will be observed for any side effects and their blood samples are to be analysed for immune responses at 28, 84, 308 and 365 days, it stated.

Besides data on side-effects and immune responses, the findings will also help vaccine advisers decide if re-vaccinating some people in the autumn is necessary.

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