Bokaro: At the tender age of thirteen, when the young students are mostly involved with electronic gadgets or playing mobile games, a grade VIII student, Ridhima Mishra of DPS Bokaro has come out with her maiden thriller novel titled ‘Who Killed Her’ which has hit the stands getting ovation amongst the readers.
The novel got published in the second week of January 2021 and is also available online. The budding author is an avid reader and is inspired by the British author James Dover Grant, popularly known by his pet name ‘Lee Child’.
During the period of ‘COVID-19’ when most of the people were stranded indoors, Ridhima utilized her time to the best giving wings to her writing skills. Starting with short stories she honed her skills and eventually completed writing a full-fledged novel.
Ridhima, while presenting her novel to her Principal, A. S. Gangwar said that the school has always been a motivating factor and the teachers inspired her with positivity and encouraged her to do her best.
Appreciating the exceptional writing skills of this eighth grader, Principal DPS Bokaro, A. S. Gangwar said that it is heartening to know that young students like Ridhima are coming up with such creative endeavours. He wished Ridhima a very bright future and advised that she should come up with such initiatives at regular intervals which will be an inspiration for others too.