16-Year-Old Kamya Karthikeyan Conquers Mount Everest, Hoists Tricolor

Mumbai: Kamya Karthikeyan, a 16-year-old mountaineer from Mumbai, has made history by conquering Mount Everest, the world’s highest peak. Sponsored by the Tata Steel Foundation, Kamya reached the summit on Monday at 12:35 PM IST and proudly hoisted the Indian tricolor. She also unfurled the Tata Steel flag at the peak. Accompanied by her father, both are expected to return to Base Camp-4 by 4:10 PM.

Kamya’s inspiration for mountaineering came from her father, who frequently embarked on long climbing expeditions. In the bustling city of Mumbai, her father found solace in the mountains, which sparked Kamya’s interest in the sport from a young age.

This Everest expedition marks Kamya’s first attempt at scaling the formidable peak at such a young age. The mountaineering community is hopeful for her safe return after this remarkable achievement.

Kamya first gained international attention in 2020 when she became the youngest girl in the world to summit Mount Aconcagua, the highest peak in South America, at the age of 12. She hoisted the Indian tricolor atop the 6,962-meter peak on February 1, 2020. Kamya’s selection for the Everest expedition by the Tata Steel Adventure Foundation came after her impressive performance during an expedition in Ladakh.

Kamya has been passionate about mountaineering since she was just three years old, continuously setting new milestones and inspiring young adventurers worldwide.

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