A 27-years old widow paraded naked in Bokaro

Ashis Sinha I Bokaro: In a bizarre incident, a 27 years old widow has been stripped naked and paraded in the village and then tied with a tree after being accused of illicit relations with a villager.

According to the police, the incident occurred in Ghoinchatola villager under Marafari police station in Bokaro district on Friday night, while a case has been lodged at a local police station on Sunday.

The victim lodged FIR against Jagatpaul Oraon, Tarapanna, Ram Mohan Oraon, Sunia Devi, and Jayanti Khalkho, all are the residents of the same village, police said.

In her complaint, the victim stated that she was alone at home on Friday night. Suddenly all accused persons rushed to her house, started abusing and forcibly took him out, toured her clothe and stripped naked.

“They paraded me in the village’s lane and later tided me with a Kadam tree on the crossroad of the village,” it stated in the complaint.

Later after the intervention of the elderly people of the village, the victim got set free after few hours.

Meanwhile, another woman, a resident of same village alleged that the widow woman has illicit relations with her husband and lodged a cross complaint against the victim.

No arrests have been made yet. Police are investigating into the matter, said Ujjwal Kumar, OC of Marafari Police station.

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