CII, ISM Dhanbad step up contribution

Dhanbad: Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) along with its NGO Partner, Sasakawa Leprosy Foundation, and facilitated by IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, has stepped up contribution to fighting coronavirus pandemic among the poor and needy.

Today, we have distributed 1350 kgs of Atta, 550 kgs of Potatoes, 146 liters of Cooking Oil and 130 kgs of Masur Dal amongst 251 families in 6 leprosy colonies benefitting around 1000 people on Friday, informed Kunal Yadav Executive CII.

“Soaps were also distributed amongst these families. We have plane to distribute dry rations among 384 families in 9 Leprosy Colonies in Dhanbad,” he added.

IIT (ISM) Dhanbad facilitated the entire process. Prof Rajeev Shekhar, Member, CII and Director, IIT (ISM) Dhanbad was personally present at the distribution of the relief materials on behalf of CII.

The next phase of distribution will take place tomorrow at Dhanbad where 900 kgs of Atta, 400 kgs of Potatoes, 107 liters of cooking oil and 72 kgs of Masur Dal would be distributed amongst 133 families in 3 leprosy colonies aiming to benefit around 550 people, he said.

CII is extending all possible support to the affected people during times of such crisis. The Relief and Rehabilitation Interventions of CII include distribution of Personal Protective Equipment, Hygiene kits, Ration kits and other daily essentials among the communities, said Yadav.

Ample awareness is also being created regarding the best practices, the importance of handwashing and others to ensure safe and healthy communities. An appeal has been made to all CII members too for contributing to the relief process with both kind and financial support. CII through its member companies and Yi Chapters are actively engaged in the relief activities at the state levels, he informed.

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