Dr. Hemlata conferred ‘Progressive Principals Award-2017’


dr-hemlata-s-mohan-with-the-progressive-principals-of-india-awardAdding another feather to the cap of DPS, Bokaro, Director and Principal, Dr. Hemlata S Mohan received the “Progressive Principals of India” Award by “Re Think India” at India International Centre, New Delhi.

It is a pan India Award conferred on as many as 93 principals from across the country, acknowledged for progressive and innovative ideas, said a school authority adding “The award function saw participation from a whole gamut of stakeholders including heads of many international schools”.

“Dr. Mohan received the award for successfully implementing latest trends in education – Learning by Doing – Hands-on Projects, Experiential Learning Parallel Curriculum in open classrooms, Re-thinking and Re-living History”, added the authority.

This is an additional honour to the Life Time Achievement Awardees Dr. Hemlata S. Mohan. A creative ingenuous she was felicitated at Bangalore for her song ‘Hoga Kal Sunhera’ selected by Doordarshan and telecast worldwide across 156 countries.

Recently Dr. Mohan has been appointed Advisory panel member of CBFC, East Zone. Under her leadership, DPS, Bokaro is ranked Jharkhand’s No. 1 Day school and is also awarded to Future 50 schools of the country shaping success.

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