India to launch 31 earth observation satellite

pslv-c37India will launch 31 earth observation satellite from the Sriharikota rocket port on Friday.

According to Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) we are ready to launch the Cartosat-2 series satellite weighing 712 kg and 30 co-passenger satellites (29 foreign, one Indian) with rocket Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV), expected to lift off on Friday morning at 9.29 am from the Sriharikota rocket port.

The 30 satellites will together weigh 243 kg and the total weight of all the 31 satellites, including Cartosat, is about 955 kg, said an ISRO authority. The rocket will sling the satellites into a 505-km polar sun synchronous orbit (SSO). The co-passenger satellites comprise 29 nano satellites from 14 countries — Austria, Belgium, Britain, Chile, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, and the US as well as one Indian nano satellite.

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