Deputy Commissioner Mukesh Kumar has advised the students who are going to be appeared in board exams (Class 10 and 12) to take the exam with a calm mind. “Do not be panic or giggle in the examination hall. Answer every question only after reading it well. Also, get plenty of sleep a day before the exam,” he added.
Board exams of Class 10 and 11 which are scheduled between 11 to 28 February.
Starting with the examinations ( of class 10 & 12th), tension arises among students along with their parents, especially with mothers each and every year. Students who suffer from exam fear or exam anxiety or exam phobia can see their marks suffer as a result of this stress. A balanced diet with adequate sleep is the success mantra to overcome the exam blue, said Kumar.
“To avoid such stress students should develop good study habits,” he added.
“Proper study habits and preparation are the keys to cutting out exam fear. Avoid last-minute ‘cramming’ for exams and actively listen while in class,” said DC.
Kumar said the district administration is committed to conducting the board examinations in a malpractice-free environment. Cooperation from all is expected. Please do not crowd around the centres on exam day. Do not sound the horn or make any noise when passing by the examination centre. “If any suspect, student, guardian, police officer or teacher will do any such act which seeks to break or violate the sovereignty of the examination process, stringent legal action will be taken against them,” added DC.
During the period of examination, everybody gets worked up, especially parents, teachers, and students. Who amongst them is most affected is hard to say, because it differs, based on the mental make-up of each of them, said Punam Sinah a teacher of Goddard Public School.
“Preparing for exams is basically an exercise in repetition. The more we read, the more we absorb. The more we write, the stronger our memory. Reading, writing, and memorising over and over again are the only means to perform better in exams,” she added.
Whether we like it or not, exams are here to stay and memory has tremendous value in exams. The only sensible option is to face them head-on, by studying well, and repeatedly, with a self-imposed punishing schedule, till every part of the syllabus is at our fingertips, she advised.
A well-planned schedule and a steady routine, aided by a calm mind, provide the best backdrop for effective preparation for exams. Start studying as no work will be done unless it is started. Extending the same logic, we can say that any work will be done if it is started. So the important first step is to start studying. ‘Once you start, you get interested, and you become more confident and more interested. Do not ever look back’, she said.
“Stress, up to a certain level acts as a motivation to study, but undue stress can bog you down. There are cases of students who become too nervous during exams, said Dr Randhir (MBBS) a Physician.
“They cut down on their sleep and food, and get into a desperate mode of study. These are likely to be dangerous. The human brain functions best when the mind is calm and the body is healthy. Giving up sleep and food in the run-up to the exam is a recipe for disaster,” he added.