BJYM Protest over School Fee hike

schooProtesting over the ‘unjustified fee hike’ by the private school managements BJP Youth Morcha General Secretary (Bokaro District) Kunj Bihari demanded from the Government to intervene in the matter early.

“We have received a number of complaints regarding fee hike from parents and now it is necessary to stop the unfair hike immediately,” said Pathak.

Expressing deep concern over the issue Pathak said, “I have written a letter to the Prime Minister and a copy of the letter also has been sent to the President, the Minister of Human Resource and Development including the Chief Minister of Jharkhand.”

Amid hue and cry of the parents and government’s directives, collections of supplementary fees along with tuition fee are still continuing by private schools in Bokaro, alleged Pathak.

The private school managements are not paying any heed on the directive of the State Government and district administrations and collecting re-admission fees in different heads.

The school managements are harassing the parents and compelling them to pay monthly tuition fee along with others fees on different heads like — Technology Fee, Electricity charges, Building maintenance charges,

School Welfare Fund, Activity Fee, Sports Fee, including others, he said.

“We also received complaints from the parents that, once few of them (parents) were united to oppose the school management for collecting additional fees then the management people started harassing to their children’s. Even they forced the students to sit on the floor and without fan in classrooms,” he added.

“Recently, Chief Minister Raghubar Das has already made it clear that no school will be permitted to take fees for re-admission or others except monthly tuition fees in the State. But putting all directives on toes the school managements are saying that we did not receive any such directive yet and you will have to pay the whole amount if you want to continue your child’s education in our school,” he said.

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