President Ramnath Kovind will launch the Rs 1500 crore JOHAR Yojana and the Chief Minister Health Insurance Scheme on the occasion of the state foundation day on 15 November.
Addressing a joint press conference at the project building here Jharkhand Government spokesperson Nidhi Khare and Principal Secretary Home SKG Rahate said that the president would also launch the 108 ambulance scheme along with launch of TAB distribution among of Maki Munda and teachers under e-vidyavahini yojana.
Apart from that the appointment letters would also be distributed among principals of newly constituted colleges and university, doctors, specialists, teachers and constables, the officials said adding that a stamp would also be launched on the historical terracotta temples of Maluti.
Later the cabinet ministers would be distributing deeds and assets among the beneficiaries of various schemes including Ujjwala Yojana, crop insurance scheme, Mudra Yojana, PMEGP, Jharkhand State Livelihood Promotion Society, Bank linkage of the SHGs and Pradhan Mnatri Aawas Yojana.